
User can set budgets or goals under budget/goal section. The only difference for budgets and goals is that the targeted amount is "negative"(representing money to be spent) for budget, and "positive"(representing money to be saved) for goals.

Budget/Goal Group

Budget/Goal Group allows user to group similar budget items together.
To add a new Budget/Goal Group, Click "Menu"
Under "New", Click "New Budget/Goal Group" on the second column
A popup window will open, and you may enter details
Budget Group will not accept new items if "Mark This Group As Completed" is checked.

Adding new budget or goal

Tag, Account and Budget Group are required before any new budget item can be added.

To add a new budget or goal, Click "Menu"
Under "New", Click "New Budget" on the second column
A popup window will open, and you may enter budget details
Each effective budget item will look for transactions within "the specified date range", under the assigned "account", containing the assigned "tag" or its child tags.

Update/List all budgets

The current amount in each budget items are automatically updated as new transactions added. To list all budgets, Click "Menu"
Click "Budgets" on the first column
User may also Click to "Budgets" on menu, on second column click:
Update - To update each budget to its current amount and list all active budgets by group.
Completed Budgets - To list all completed budgets by group.

Edit a budget

Go to list all budgets
From there you can:
1. Double click on the progress bar or text for the specified budget from the list
2. Right click on the progress bar or text for the specified budget from the list and select "Edit", or "Edit This Group" if you want to edit the associated budget group

Delete a budget

Go to list all budgets
From there you can:
1. Select the budget from the list, and hit "Delete" button on your keyboard
2. Right click on the progress bar or text for the specified budget from the list and select "Delete" from the context menu.

To understand how to use budget, please visit: http://www.accpal.com/learn/tag_example1.htm