- Instead of showing up a blank page when no budget/goal is found, a message will be shown.
- Fixed certain connection bugs and improve speeds.
- Added option to allow user to switch between NO SSL(better speed and more compatibility), or with SSL connection(secure connection).
User will have the option to change this behavior before login.
- Fixed password reset page layout and warnings
- Fixed menu width and height
- Fixed a bug causing tags not being able to be edited and updated.
- Fixed a bug causing the "cannot insert into its own child tag" warning message not being able to display properly.
- Users should now be properly informed of possible signup error, password format should now be displayed properly.
- Reduced the width of new transaction window.
- More user friendly and handy changes to selecting account in new transaction:
first account will be selected in first entry.
previous used account will be selected in any new entry.
We are hoping this will further reduce the time to when it comes to adding new transactions.
- Shortcuts should now be able to scroll properly.
- Changed the Chart display on home screen, expense and income should now show on the same side, with different color.
- Fixed a bug causing context menu not to function properly when right click on tag in transaction lists.
- Typo fixed - Title of description is now properly show in transaction list
- Is transfer checkbox is not meant to be checked in transaction list, double click to edit it instead
- Frequency and Average should now be properly exported to excel
- Fixed a bug causing the Add & New feature when adding new accounts not functioning properly
- Version 1.6 is online
- New reporting feature for tags and person report, Frequency(the number of transactions) and Average amount(= total amount/frequency)
- Minor adjustments of interface and bug fixes
- When entering the amount of a transaction, a blank text field will show instead of having a value of zero in it, afterall it's not that common to have amounts always ending with zero
- Minor interface adjustment, make the grey out text color lighter to provide better contrast
- Added loading indicator in some other areas
- Code clean up
- Tag chart should now update the chart after new entry or updates
- Added loading indicator for transaction listing & adding/updating new tags
- Fixed some shortcut related bugs
- Dates should be displayed correctly in user's localized format
- Date title of the chart in home screen should now works properly
- Changed the menu behavior, now the sub-menu is shown when clicked instead of hover
- Tag name is now bold for each budget item
- Fixed a bug causing account summary panel not being able to handle clicks
- Updated the minimum required Silverlight client to the newest 4.0.50826.0, rewrite large part of the application, as an attempt to increase speed, and prevent memory leak
- Changed the color of amount, red for expense, green for income, black for zero value
- Changed the hand cursor on filter transactions and shorcut buttons
- Adjusted the padding and alignment of each column in transactions
- Description is no longer required in shortcut
- Added statement mode for account in in transactions filtering. User can now use filter and shortcut to one click consolidate account monthly statement
- Fixed a bug causing shortcut failed to retain the day when the day is last day of the month and "retain the day" option is checked
- Changed the text on options in updating dates in shortcut
- Fixed a bug causing options in updating dates not being checked properly when editing a shortcut
- Allowed shortcut to convert the date to last month(also convert last day if encounter), this is useful for viewing transactions, summary or report for a full cyle of last month
- Update the version to 1.40.1010
- When adding new transactions, date and accounts will now have more spaces in between
- Updated the datagrid theme to use the new style from JetPack template by Microsoft
- Transactions(list,add,edit) are not meant to be sort(at least for the time being)
- Updated the version to 1.30.1010, pushed the updated version online
- Fixed the duplicated confirmations when clicking the ACCPAL logo on top
- Changed the default symbol of Russian Ruble(RUB) to P. because py6 is very confusing
- Added space between currency symbol and amount in account summary panel and transactions
- Allowed the content area to expand automatically if more screen heights were available after resize or in full screen
- The interface does not have round edges anymore
- Fixed a bug causing "action cannot be completed" during update
- Budgets will be appropriately shown in completed section after it's set to completed
- Added report bugs link on login and about page
- Changed the colors of pie chart in report
- Fixed the version display
- Fixed a bug causing shortcut to stop working when date conversion is enabled
- Added & New feature for new budget/goal should now be working as it should
- Fixed a bug causing login failure when buget items exists
- Fixed a few of other bugs
- Negative sign will now appear before currency sign as they should in transactions
- Added currency sign in account summary
- Fixed double click to edit total amount in account summary
- Added loading indicator for login
- Added demo account
- Fixed the bug causing account date opened field not being able to modify
- Added About window in menu