Import Open Financial Exchange (OFX)
Open Financial Exchange (OFX) is a unified specification for the electronic exchange of financial data between financial institutions, businesses and consumers via the Internet(quote from OFX is supported by popular accounting softwares and major banks.
Starting in Version 3(Dec 23rd, 2010), AccPal supports import of bank account statement in OFX format. This feature is still in beta, if you have found bugs or would like us to add additional functionality to this feature, please contact us.
- One account per file
- One currency per account
- Source file must be a valid SGML format for OFX/QFX version 1
- Source file must be a valid XML format for OFX/QFX version 2
- English only. For other languages, please make sure to double check the result.
- Extract and import Payees as persons if found.
- Check number are imported and posted in description.
- Match category to tags by matching external ID to the designated category ID(user must setup or import tags first).
- Checks for duplicated transactions.
- Maximum user security. Source file is processed on client's computer, only user verified result will be saved on AccPal server.
If user needs to import category, and the OFX/QFX file contains transactions that have associated with category ID(SIC). User can learn how to import category as tag by using a very simple Excel format. Learn how to import category as tag.
To get started on importing transactions, go to "Menu" -> "Profile", click "Import":
Choose OFX tab:
Choose a targeted account first, all transactions will be imported into that specific account, then select a source file:
Please allow some time for AccPal to process the source file, in this example, 2 new payees,no category-tag matching, and 3 transactions are found, user can see the detail result:
Click "Import Payees" to import payees as persons, we don't need to see the result yet, so click Cancel to continue:
Once payees are imported, we should see the related transactions are updated with the matching person name:
Click import tranasctions, an add new transaction window will popup for user to verify and make changes to the transactions if necessary:
Click Add, and we can use filter to list the transactions:
Go to "Menu" -> "Profile", click "Person":
We should be able to see the imported payees:
AccPal will automatically check for payee ID, and tries to look for matches in person external ID. Payee will not be imported if a match is found. If "Try to match payee name" is checked, AccPal will also try to match payee name to person name to prevent duplicated entries.
The OFX import supports full subset of "Bank Transaction List" in OFX standard version 1 & 2. However we do highly recommend user to verify the result before saving. If you have found any bugs in this feature, please help us to improve it by contacting us.